2. Nat National Product at factor cost is also known as:
3. Which of the following items is not included in GNPmp?
4. When indirect taxes are subtracted from NNPmp and subsidies are added, then it will be equal to:
5. NDPfc is less than NNPfc when:
6. As per the value added method of measuring national income which of the following items will not be added?
7. What will be deducted to get NDPmp from GDPmp?
8. While estimating national income, which of the following item is not included?
9. Net market value of all the final goods and services produced by normal resodents of a country during an accounting year is called:
10.Which of the following is not a component of domestic income?
NFIA= Net factor income from abroad.
11.Factor cost is equal to:
12. What is not true about the term National Income?
13. A better measure of economic growth is:
14. GDP at constant prices is called:
15. Which of the following is included in the economic territory of a country?
16.Indian ships operated between India and USA are included in the domestic territory of:
17.Indian Embassy in America is the part of the economic territory of:
18. State which of the following statement is not true:
19. GDP is greater than GNP when:
20.Market value of all the final goods and services produced within the domestic territory of a country during a year is called:
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