2. If the orbit of a planet is an ellipse then what is the point at which the Sun is located called?
3.The scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun was:
4. The shortest day length that occurs in the Northern hemisphere is on__
5. On 21st June, the Sun_____
6.Eclipse occur due to which optical phenomena?
7. What is meant by the term 'midnight sun'?
8. Which of the following hypothesis/theory explains the origin of the universe?
9. What is a Constellation?
10.Day and night are equal at the_______.
11. The earth is nearest to the sun on________.
12. Objects that shine in the night sky are known as________.
13. The approximate diameter of the sun is ------- times the diameter of Earth.
14.The fact that the planets move around the Sun, not in circles but in ellipses, was first demostrated by:
15. Lucifer is another name for the planet---------.
16. The constellation 'Sapta Rishi' is known to westerners as the:
17.When does solar eclipse take place?
18.Even after sunset, the air near the earth's surface continue to receive heat due to:
19.The term 'Higgs Boson' is associated with:
20. The large collection of stars, dust and gas held together by gravitational attraction between components in known as: