MCQ: National & International Organisation, Part 1

National & International Organisation

1. How many non-permanent members does UN Security council have?

... Answer is C)

2.Which of the following Country is not a member of World Trade Organisation WTO)?

... Answer is D)

3. With reference to the development of a country, which of the following countries is associated to the Gross National Happiness?

... Answer is A)

4. The head quarter of federation International de Football Association (FIFA) is located in _______

... Answer is A)
Zurich is in Switzerland

5. The headquarter of computer technology giant, Intel is in_______.

... Answer is C)

6. The office of the UN General Assembly is in:

... Answer is C)

7. When was the Montreal protocol assigned to reduce production of Chlorofluorocarbons?

... Answer is B)

8. In the group of countries known as BRICS, S stands for.

... Answer is D)

9. Which is not a Bretton Woods Institution?

... Answer is B)
OECD= The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. It have 38 member countries founded in 30 September, 1961. its headquarter is in Paris, France

10.'Doha Development Agenda' sometimes appears:

... Answer is D)

11.Which of the following country is not a member of SAARC?

... Answer is B)
SAARC= South Asian Association of Regional Co-operation. It was founded in 1985.

12.The International Court of Justice is located at:

... Answer is B)
Hague is in Netherlands

13. Which one of the following is the full form of NATO?

... Answer is A)
NATO= It was founded in 4 April,1949 at Washington D.C. It has 30 member. Brussels, Belgium is its headquarter.

14.The International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) is located in:

... Answer is A)
ISO= it was founded in 23 February, 1947 in London.

15. The International Court of Justice was established in the Year:

... Answer is A)
It was founded in 26 June 1945 at San Francisco, California. It has 15 Judges having 9 Years term.

16. The BRICS Bank would have its headquarter in?

... Answer is B)

17. The first BRICS Summit, after the inclusion of South Africa, was held at:

... Answer is B)
It is in China in Hainan Province

18. How many organs are there in UNO?

... Answer is D)
The General assembly, The Security Council, The Economic and social Council, The Trusteeship council, The International Court of Justice and The Secretariat

19. The latest official language of the United Nations is:

... Answer is D)
There are six official languages of the UN.These are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

20. When was South Sudan admitted to U.N. as the 193rd member country of U. N.?

... Answer is C)

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