2.How many levels of government does a federation usually have?
3.Which language has status of th national language in India?
Hindi is official language.
4.In a federal system, the central government ________order the state government to do something?
5.Which Indian state has violently demanded the the use of English for official purpose should be continued?
6.In federalism,different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own __________ in specific matters.
7.Can the fundamental provisions of the constitution be unilaterally changed by one level of government in federalism?
8.‘Coming together’ federations are practiced by which countries?
When independent states come together on their own to form a bigger unit, so that by pooling sovereignty and retaining identity they can increase their security. It is called ‘coming together’ federalism.
9.‘Holding together’ federations are practiced by which countries?
Where a large country decides to divide its power between the constituent states and the national government. It is called ‘holding together’ federations.
10.Which one comes under the Union List in India?
11.Which one comes under the State List in India?
12.On which given subject can both the Union as well as the State Governments make laws?
13. What is meant by residuary subjects?
14. An example of a subject under the residuary listis:
15.Hindi is the mother tongue of only about ________ percent of Indians?
16.How many languages are included in the eighth Schedule of the Indian constitution?
17.In the data for Scheduled Languages of India which is the second highest in proportion of speakers (%) after Hindi?
It is 8.03%
18.Which country is an example of coming together federation?
19.Who can make laws relating to the subjects to legislate on the residuary subjects?
20.Major step towards decentralization was taken in India in: